...is the title of the French edition of A Scattering of Jades, out just now from Fleuve Noir. Wish I could read French, since it turns out that the most recent edition of Fiction has a translation of "The Golems of Detroit," previously seen in the May 2005 F&SF.
When, oh when, am I going to get a translation I can read? (Which would be German. Sort of. Or Spanish, if the book was rewritten at a Dick-and-Jane level.)
Sweet pulpy cover. If that comes out in a library bind, let me know. PS, Hey, Mr. Irvine.
Hey, Mr. C. How is SE Asia? The diplomat's life is one to aspire to.
Cripes, I won't be in Vietnam for, like, thirteen more months. You've very much put into focus my Mexican senioritis, though. I try to remember I am still in this lovely place even as I dream about the next. But for the better part of the interim, starting around Christmas or so, we will be in DC. If you come to town, look us up.
Interesting cover art, I like it. And the title "Sun of the New World" is different, but sounds good.
I like it too. There was an anachronistic pizzazz to the Spanish cover, but this one has the looming-threat motif that always cracks me over the head and drags me off by the hair.
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