Dec 22, 2006
Cartoon Nerd Nirvana
Not just a list of the 50 greatest cartoons of all time, but links to download them! Be still my heart.
Sci Fi Weekly on Pics
F. Brett Cox reviews the collection and has this, among other things, to say:
Read the rest here.
The strongest works in this strong collection--"The Golems of Detroit," "For Now It's Eight O'Clock," "Gus Dreams of Biting the Mailman," "Volunteers" and the title story--show just how much can still be achieved by science fiction and fantasy short stories, and confirm Alexander C. Irvine as one of the form's ablest contemporary practitioners.
Read the rest here.
Dec 14, 2006
For Michael Crichton Fans
The next time you're going to plunk down your hard-earned money for his latest spasm of narrative typing, consider this.
Literary score-settling has a long and distinguished history, no doubt, but this is out of line.
Literary score-settling has a long and distinguished history, no doubt, but this is out of line.
Dec 8, 2006
Locus reviews Pics
It's not online, and I am loath to trample copyright by reproducing it in full, but here are some highlights of Gary K. Wolfe's review, from the December issue of Locus:
Wolfe highlights "The Lorelei," "Gus Dreams of Biting the Mailman," and the title story before closing with the comment that the collection demonstrates "the eclecticism and ambition of an author who has a great many more dimensions, and perhaps a broader range of skills, than even his strongest novels have so far revealed."In his first three novels, Irvine staked out a territory for himself as a dark fantasist of some of the more obscure corners of American history – early 19th-century New York, the exploration of Mammoth Cave, 1950s San Francisco, early baseball, World War II era Detroit – that seemed to locate him in a mythic American literary landscape somewhere between E.L. Doctorow and Tim Powers. It was an ambitious agenda for a young novelist, and what emerged most strongly from those novels was Irvine’s capacity for genius loci, for developing a powerful sense of immanence in unexpected settings. But as is often the case with story collections, Pictures from an Expedition shows us what he’s really been up to, and he has a few surprises up his sleeve.
Dec 2, 2006
French Interview and Review at Cafard Cosmique

"Le Soleil du Nouveau Monde est un récit cruel et solaire. Si c’est un premier roman, seuls les lecteurs les plus exigeants sauront le remarquer car l’aventure est menée avec une grande énergie et une belle maîtrise. Quant à Alexander C. IRVINE, c’est un très bon auteur en puissance dont on guettera en embuscade les prochaines parutions."
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