Oct 15, 2009

This and That, with Extra Ultraman

These are some interesting things I saw today between teaching and working on final revisions on the novelization of Iron Man 2.

In the LA Times' Hero Complex blog, Tim Powers talks about the optioning of On Stranger Tides for use in the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

A biologist has found a way to put small animals in a sort of suspended animation by poisoning them.

If you're in New York City tomorrow, you can go see naked girls reading banned books.

And Japan's recently ex-premier Koizumi has reaped the most excellent benefit a former officeholder could imagine: a prime voiceover role in the next Ultraman movie.


The Piper said...

If you can't beat em' join em'. I guess it's a good idea to plug your new employer. Whatever it takes to make them viewable. Those movies are all just terrible. I can't believe there will be another one. I hope Depp is awake for this one.

Where is Peta for that one.

I wish I were in New York City for that. They turn on the air conditioner.

That voice over bit just might be interesting enough to call it a "film"!

Pipe on.

The Piper said...

Happy Halloween Professor Irvine.