Here's the ToC of the Prime Books year's best antho, edited by Rich Horton:

“A Story, with Beans” by Steven Gould, Analog, May
“Child-Empress of Mars” by Theodora Goss, Interfictions 2
“The Island” by Peter Watts, The New Space Opera 2
“Events Preceding the Helvetican Renaissance” by John Kessel, The New Space Opera 2
“The Logic of the World” by Robert Kelly, Conjunctions 52
“The Endangered Camp” by Ann Leckie, Clockwork Phoenix
“Sylgarmo's Proclamation” by Lucius Shepard, Songs of the Dying Earth
“Three Twilight Tales” by Jo Walton, Firebirds Soaring
“Necroflux Day” by John Meaney, The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction 3
“This Peaceable Land; or, The Unbearable Vision of Harriet Beecher Stowe” by Robert Charles Wilson, Other Earths
“Technicolor” by John Langan, Poe
“Eros, Philia, Agape” by Rachel Swirksy,
“A Painter, a Sheep, and a Boa Constrictor” by Nir Yaniv, Shimmer 10
“Catalog” by Eugene Mirabelli, F&SF, February
“Glister” by Dominic Green, Interzone, August
“On the Human Plan” by Jay Lake, Lone Star Stories, February
“Dragon's Teeth” by Alex Irvine, F&SF, December
“The Radiant Car Thy Sparrows Drew” by Catherynne M. Valente, Clarkesworld, August
“The Qualia Engine” by Damien Broderick, Asimov's, April-May
“The Long Cold Goodbye” by Holly Phillips, Asimov's, March
“Wife-Stealing Time” by R. Garcia y Robertson, Asimov's, November
“As Women Fight” by Sara Genge, Asimov's, October-November
“Images of Anna” by Nancy Kress, Fantasy, September 14
“Mongoose” by Sarah Monette & Elizabeth Bear, Lovecraft Unbound
“Crimes and Glory” by Paul McAuley, Subterranean, Spring “Living Curiousities” by Margo Lanagan, Sideshow
“The Death of Sugar Daddy” by Toiya Kristen Finlay, Electric Velocipede, Spring
“Bespoke” by Genevieve Valentine, Strange Horizons, July 27
“The Persistence of Memory; or, This Space for Sale” by Paul Park, Postscripts 20/21
Original posting, with inside links to the stories that are online, is at
Sean Wallace's LiveJournal.