Aug 3, 2018

Roundup: Interviews, New Short Stories

I feel like I've done a lot of talking over the past couple of months, mostly about The Comic Book Story of Baseball. If you care to listen to some of those conversations, here are links:

WBUR's "Radio Boston," with Anthony Brooks
"Baseball by the Book," with Justin McGuire
"Beyond the Trope," with Giles Hash (Tomm Coker's on this one too!)

I also talked about life as a tie-in writer with Minister Faust, on MF Galaxy. (Whose novels you should read.)

On the short fiction front, the new issue of Lightspeed Magazine contains a new story of mine, "The Atonement Path." Also, if you missed it back at the end of May, my short story "Black Friday" is up at

And, as always, there's more stuff cooking on the various creative fronts. Stay tuned...