Oct 31, 2006

Batman and the Russians

Batman: Inferno is out, and available at better bookstores.

In other news, A Scattering of Jades will appear in a Russian translation from AST. When? Who knows?

Oct 29, 2006

Oct 26, 2006

Couple more SoS interviews/reviews

An interview with Sam Moyerman at Broken Frontier; a review at the same site; and a Photon Torpedoes review. Someone mentioned somewhere that using a character called Son of Satan might get certain of our Biblical-literalist brethren riled up, and there's a slight indication in the comments to my previous post that this is beginning to happen. I should be so lucky.

Oct 18, 2006

The Son of Satan is loose...

...so get thee to the comic shop. And here's a Wizard interview to whet your appetite, and wherein we digress to talk about the Batman book as well.

Oct 16, 2006

Le Soleil du Nouveau Monde

...is the title of the French edition of A Scattering of Jades, out just now from Fleuve Noir. Wish I could read French, since it turns out that the most recent edition of Fiction has a translation of "The Golems of Detroit," previously seen in the May 2005 F&SF.

When, oh when, am I going to get a translation I can read? (Which would be German. Sort of. Or Spanish, if the book was rewritten at a Dick-and-Jane level.)